Welcome To Term 4 – Year 3

Welcome To Term 4 – Year 3

Welcome to Term 4.  Thank you for all the support that you have given us and your child(children). We have had a busy few terms and this one is going to be no different.  We have our upcoming trip to the environmental centre at Horton Kirby to look forward to and on the 3rd March is our World Book Day. We look forward to seeing you on the 9th March for Parent Consultations. Please book an appointment.

A fun term of Learning:

Our Cornerstones topic this term is Flow. This is a Geography and Science based project which focus on the water cycle, rivers around the World, settlements near rivers and water pollution. To see our curriculum coverage for the term please visit the Year 3 Class Page.

In RE, we will be focusing on the lead up to Easter via the topic of Incarnation and focus on the big question “Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?

On Tuesday, the children celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes which many of them ate before you got to see it!

This Week, the children attended the Ash Wednesday Worship in school whereby Christian children were inviting to receive an ash cross symbol on their forehead.


Trip reminder about Horton Kirby Environmental Centre on Thursday 16th March 2023:

Suitable clothing for the children needed for the trip are:

  • Waterproof jackets
  • Welly boots (as well as the shoes that they will wear to the centre).
  • Spare socks (Even in welly boots many children will still get their feet wet)
  • Sun hats if required.
  • Spare trousers/leggings

Children will need to bring a packed lunch on the day of the trip in a disposable bag as well as plenty of drink (please no fizzy drinks or sweets). Please tick the appropriate box on the reply slip if your child is entitled to a free school meal, and you wish for the school to provide a packed lunch for the trip.

PE Day

Falcons and Swifts have their PE day on a Thursday, children are expected to wear a white round neck t-shirt, black shorts or joggers, black trainers or plimsolls. During the spring months of P.E. school cardigans and jumpers can be worn over the top of the t-shirt.

Year 3 Expectations

In Year 3, the children are expected to read every night on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. They then are required to read once between Friday and Sunday. The school is currently implementing the Accelerated Reader scheme. A comprehension task is given each Friday to the children to be completed by the following Friday.

Children are expected, alongside their weekly spellings every Friday, to learn the times tables shared with them by the class teacher. A times tables test will commence every Friday. Additional mathematical tasks are available on Freckle (a password-protected website).

All homework tasks are communicated via the red A4 homework book. This book must be brought in every Friday.

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