Welcome To Term 4 – Year 6

Welcome To Term 4 – Year 6

Welcome to Term 4. Well done to you all this year so far, we have had some wonderful pieces of homework from the holidays as well! Let’s keep up the amazing momentum we have started this year.

We have our upcoming trip to the Greenwich museum on the 23rd March to look forward to and on the 3rd March is our World Book Day. We look forward to seeing you on the 9th March for Parent Consultations. Please book an appointment.

A frosty but fantastic term of Learning:

Ahoy there arctic explorers! Our Cornerstones topic this term is Frozen Kingdom. This is a mainly Geography based project which is focused on the planet’s coldest reaches. From the vast frozen gales to the plummeting temperatures and what can survive (maybe even thrive) there. To see our curriculum coverage for the term please visit the Year 6 Class Page.

So far in our science we investigated the question, “Does ice melt quicker if it is coated with salt?”


We made sure to be true scientists by asking ourselves questions such as:

“Is this a fair test?”

“Would the ice still melt if we did not add salt?”

“Why does ice have bubbles trapped in it? Why is not all ice clear?”


In RE, we will be focusing on the lead up to Easter via the topic of Salvation and focus on the big question “What difference does the resurrection make for Christians?

PE Day

Year 6 have PE day on a Thursday, children are expected to wear a white round neck t-shirt, black shorts or joggers, black trainers or plimsolls. During the spring months of P.E. school cardigans and jumpers can be worn over the top of the t-shirt.

Year 6 expectations:

In Year 6, the children are expected to read every night (at least 10 minutes). The school is currently implementing the Accelerated Reader scheme. Children should complete a comprehension quiz on their read book at least twice a week in order to make good progress. This progress will then allow them to access higher level texts.

Children are expected, alongside their weekly spellings test every Friday, as well as weekly Freckle homework. Work will also be provided in their green homework books.

We expect children to practise their spellings daily and revise their times tables frequently in preparation for this. We encourage frequent use of Freckle for daily fact practise, this will help their fundamental maths knowledge.

We expect to see their reading records every day, their homework books weekly.

Attached below is a copy of the half-term (term 3) homework for you to look at in case you would like to complete an extra task!

Have a wonderful term,

Year 6 Team

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