Welcome To Term 4 – Year 2

Welcome To Term 4 – Year 2

Welcome back!

We are very excited to be back, the children are already showing an eagerness to learn. Last term, we create Marble Art, learnt about Animal Movement, and learnt a variety of new songs.

During Term 4, we will be: 

Maths:  Developing our knowledge on Multiplication and Division.

English: We will be reading and unpicking ‘The Storm Whale’.

Science:  Exploring animals and their habitats, including habitats that exist within the school grounds.

Art: Creating artwork using objects found at the seaside, including sand and shells.

Geography: Mapping out seaside features, focusing on both human and physical aspects.

RE: Discovering the meaning of ‘Gospel’ through religious stories.

Music: Learning a song called ‘Zootime’ that is written in a Reggae style. We will be singing, improvising, and playing instruments to.

PSHE:  Understanding how we can keep ourselves healthy and happy.


Please refer to our curriculum booklet for more information regarding our subjects for Term 4.

Any questions, let us know.

Year 2 Team.

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