Term 4 Review – Year 3

Term 4 Review – Year 3

Year 3 have had a wonderful term, especially when studying the Cornerstones topic of Flow and exploring the text The Mousehole Cat in our English lessons. Thank you parents, family members and carers who supported their children with the children’s home project of bridge making. They all looked fantastic!


The children interviewed their teacher who was the character of Tom from The Mousehole Cat.

Art/English: Storm Pictures

We created storm pictures based on The MouseHole Cat.


Science: Making a Water Wheel

Year 3 made a simple water wheel to explore how they worked:


We learnt The Dragon Song and how to play our instruments to accompany it.

School Trip 

On Thursday 16th March, both Year 3 classes went on their trip to Horton Kirby Environmental Centre and the River Darent.

Mr Berry and Mr Bonner reminded us how a river flows and its parts.

We raced our sticks.


We studied the River Darent: Its current, its depth and its wildlife.


We then conducted some experiments on our return to the centre.

A great trip!



This term, the children were asked to construct a bridge which could cross a river.  This was linked to our Cornerstones topic of “Flow”. We are so proud of the effort from the children (and supporting adults). Here are photographs of their amazing bridges. Enjoy!





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