Term 4 Review – Year 4

Term 4 Review – Year 4

We have had a busy and fun term with lots of learning. The children have worked hard and are showing great progress. Well done everyone!

We enjoyed our geography topic ‘Misty Mountains, Winding Rivers’ with our trip to Horton Kirby linked to this (see separate blog post all about our trip). The children enjoyed labelling features of rivers/mountains and researching rivers and mountains of the UK and the wider world. This linked to our DT topic of creating our own river model, which the children will be bringing home to exhibit to you.



We have also enjoyed our English study of ‘The Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward, This encouraged the children to write some high quality pieces of writing including persuasive letters, recounts and diary entries. The children found the setting and ideas in this story captivating and were able to describe it well in both their writing and in discussions.

The Tin Forest by Helen Ward













Finally, in our RE, our topic has been Salvation and we have been discussing ‘Why do Christians remember the events of Holy Week each year?‘ This has involved the children recalling their previous knowledge of the events around Easter as well as building and adding more information to the what and why of events. We have focussed on the link to Salvation and how Jesus is seen by Christians as the saviour/ bridge between God and Mankind.


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We wish you all a happy and healthy Easter holiday and look forward to Term 5.

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