Term 4 Review – Year 6
This term in Year 6 we have had an incredible journey looking at Shackleton and what it takes to be a polar explorer. We focused on his fateful journey as well as some of the crazy creatures that inhabit our world’s poles.
We read through some of the book Shackleton’s journey, inspiring us to learn about the polar expedition Sir Ernest Shackleton made over 100 years ago! From this, we produced some fantastic newspaper reports written about the crew and their perilous journey, as well as thinking about some of the effects the chill would have on the human body.
Our history this term has been a mixture of Shackleton’s expedition and this vessel below:
This is a colourised photo of our historical hunt.
This mighty vessel was once named the “unsinkable ship”, well that turned out to be a bit of an overstatement. Year 6 began learning about how the people who lived on board would have been treated, starting in the fabulous first class and eventually working down to the bilges below. This all changed on the night of 14th April 1912CE at around 11:40pm…
If you want to find out more please follow this link: What Was Life Like On Board Titanic?
Across science this term we have looked at a lot of topics from types of data, to adaptations within animals, not to mention that we have a lot of expert knowledge on the formation of glaciers and those terrific icebergs as well!

Did you know that only 10% (1/10, 0.1) of an iceberg is above the water! This was why the Titanic’s hull was torn open that night.
Greenwich Trip:
At the end of this term, Year 6 went to the Greenwich Maritime Museum, this was to have a look at the polar section as well as get some hands-on time with some naval artefacts.
The grounds around the museum were wonderful and full of history.
If you wanted to visit again or with others, it is free to enter and can be easily accessed by train!
Check out the website for it here: National Maritime Museum
Important dates:
As SATS approach, we need to remember to revise our basics such as timetables on Freckle everyday.
Each student in Year 6 has been supplied with a SATS survival pack for 30-minutes a day to keep their brains sharp over their (restful) Easter holidays.
Our SATS week begins Tuesday 9th May 2023, it will finish on the Friday of that week. Make sure to rest up and enjoy the sunny (fingers crossed) weather!
Have a lovely Easter everyone,
Year 6 Team.
Enjoy some Egg-celent Easter jokes!
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