Welcome To Term 5 – Year 3

school girl holding st. georges day art work with red rose associated with England

Welcome To Term 5 – Year 3

Welcome to Term 5.  Thank you for all the support that you have given us and your child (children) throughout the first four terms. We are excited by this term’s learning opportunities which can be found on the Year 3 Class Page via the “CHILDREN” tab on the school home page.  We are excited to welcome Portals to the Past for a workshop on Wednesday 26th April, to help engage the children in our history topic which will focus on the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.

A fun term of Learning:

Our Cornerstones’ topic this term is Though the Ages. This is a history based project linked to the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age. Our Science topic will link to this topic as the children explore fossils and how they are formed.

In RE, we will be focusing on the topic of Kingdom of God and focus on the big question When Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?

In English, Year 3 will be exploring the text King of the Sky by Nicola Davies.

Words and pictures combine to evoke a Welsh mining town where a boy feels excluded and misses his Italian home. He develops a bond with a retired miner who keeps racing pigeons and the boy comes to a fresh understanding of the meaning of belonging.

PE Day

Falcons and Swifts have their PE day on a Thursday, children are expected to wear a white round neck t-shirt, black shorts or joggers, black trainers or plimsolls. During the spring months of P.E. school cardigans and jumpers can be worn over the top of the t-shirt.

Year 3 Expectations

In Year 3, the children are expected to read every night on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. They then are required to read once between Friday and Sunday. The school is following the Accelerated Reader scheme. A comprehension task is given each Friday to the children to be completed by the following Friday.

Children are expected, alongside their weekly spellings every Friday, to learn the times tables shared with them by the class teacher. A times tables test will commence every Friday. Additional mathematical tasks are available on Freckle (a password-protected website).

All homework tasks are communicated via the red A4 homework book. This book must be brought in every Friday.

St George’s Day Parade

On Friday 21st April, Year 3 have been invited to take part in the annual St Georges Day Parade. During the first week of term, the children made artwork, with the help of a local artist, to take with them on the parade. The artwork included the red rose associated with England. Please see the photographs below:


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