Welcome To Term 5 – Year 4

Welcome To Term 5 – Year 4

The children in Year 4 have an exciting term ahead. The children came in refreshed and ready to begin our new learning. At the start of the week, we began our swimming lessons at Cascades Leisure Centre and the children thoroughly enjoyed this experience.

We are excited to explore our new topics this term. Our topic this term is ‘Invasion’. This is a history based topic which includes learning about the various invasions of the UK including the Romans, Picts and Scots, Anglo-Saxons and Normans.

In Maths, we will be continuing work on decimals then moving onto money and time.

In English, our focus book this term is ‘Saving the Butterfly’ by Helen Cooper.



  • 24th April – Eid Class Party
  • 5th May – Rocksteady Music assembly and workshop
  • (Visit to the Hindu Temple – date to be confirmed)

PE Day

Year 4 have PE day on a Tuesday, children are expected to wear a white round neck t-shirt, black shorts or joggers, black trainers or plimsolls. During the spring and summer months of P.E. school cardigans and jumpers can be worn over the top of the t-shirt.

Swimming will also be on a Tuesday morning. Please ensure your child has appropriate swimwear, a towel, underwear and googles and a swim hat if they would like.

Year 4 Expectations

In Year 4, the children are expected to read every night. The school has implemented the Accelerated Reader scheme. Children should complete a comprehension quiz on their reading book at least twice a week in order to make good progress. Please ensure your child has their reading book and reading record in school daily.

Children are expected, alongside their weekly spellings test every Friday, to complete a times tables test every Friday. We expect children to practise their spellings daily and revise their times tables frequently in preparation for this. We encourage frequent use of mathsframe.co.uk as well in order to prepare for the Statutory National Multiplication Check which commences in June.

All homework tasks are communicated via the orange A4 homework book. This book must be brought in every Thursday and new work is given out on a Friday. Mathematical homework tasks are set each week on Freckle (a password-protected website).

Wishing you all a safe and successful term,

The Year 4 Team


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