Welcome To Term 5 – Year 6

Welcome To Term 5 – Year 6

Welcome to Term 5.  Thank you for all the support that you have given us and your child (children) throughout the first four terms. This term is going to be split roughly down the middle by our SATS.

Before SATS take place, we are going to be diligent with our practice getting ourselves ready for the 9th May.

SATS: Nothing to panic about.

While SATS are approaching, remember to reassure your child (children) that all they need to do is their best, that will always be enough. It is a stressful time for them in school, as such we as class teachers are putting a lot of brain breaks into our days to help keep our pupils calm and relaxed on the lead-up to SATS.

What we expect children to do for SATS:

They will have already completed their Easter homework (10-for-10), we are actively going back through these now and will for the first few weeks. At home, we ask for children to be going through the test papers we complete in class and mark together, to try those questions they missed marks on again.

Children should still be reading each day; this will help maintain their stamina for the SATS paper and beyond as they transition to KS3, secondary school. In the immortal words of Tesco, “Every little helps!”

The most important take away:

We want the children to be relaxed, calm so make sure that children are getting plenty of sleep and that if they have any worries or concerns, they know that they can talk to you or one of the teachers in school.


When are SATS this year?

SATS this year take place on the 9th May, immediately after the coronation bank holiday. We recommend your child do no preparation work during the coronation weekend, this will help your child come into school on Tuesday relaxed and ready.

The order of the tests is shown below:

  • Tuesday 9 May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) papers 1 (questions) and 2 (spelling)
  • Wednesday 10 May: English reading paper
  • Thursday 11 May: mathematics papers 1 (arithmetic) and 2 (reasoning)
  • Friday 12 May: mathematics paper 3 (reasoning)

The tests will be in the morning. In the afternoon we will be undertaking purposeful learning opportunities designed to support mental and physical wellbeing, build resilience and be aspirational, ready for the next challenge.

SATS Prep:

If you want to complete some previous papers with your children before King Charles’s Coronation weekend, you can look on the government website, or google “SATS paper (Insert subject I.e. Reading) (Which year i.e. 2022)”.

Attached to this blog post are last years and their mark schemes.

PE Day

Year 6 have PE day on a Thursday, children are expected to wear a white round neck t-shirt, black shorts or joggers, black trainers or plimsolls. During the spring months of P.E. school cardigans and jumpers can be worn over the top of the t-shirt. We are starting to see some warmer weather (fingers crossed), as such make sure that your child has a water bottle with them for our outdoor activities.

Year 6 expectations – to continue after the SATs too please:

In Year 6, the children are expected to read every night (at least 20 minutes from Term 5). The school promotes the Accelerated Reader scheme which encourages independent reading of both fiction and non-fiction.  On completion of the book, pupils take a quiz of between 5 -10 questions, based on the complexity of the text and earn points which at intervals are rewarded with certificates.  Again depending upon the length or complexity of the text, quizzes should be taken at least once per week to maintain good progress.  Most children should be expecting to quiz at least twice per week and should aim to achieve 85% success as a minimum to ensure good degrees of progress; doing so will allow them to access higher level texts within their assessed comprehension range.

Children are also expected to practise their spellings daily in readiness for the weekly test which occurs each Friday, and to engage in individually, tailored Maths tasks via Freckle.  Times tables need to be practised frequently.  Additional work will also be provided in their green homework books.

We expect to see their reading records every day, and their homework books weekly, please.

Have a wonderful term.

Year 6 Team

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