Term 5 Review – Year 3

st george's mascot at st george's day parade

Term 5 Review – Year 3

Year 3 have had a fun-packed term in many areas of the curriculum. The children happily took part in the St George’s Day Parade, celebrated Eid, learnt so much at the Stone Age Workshop and continued to apply themselves in lessons. Thank you parents, family members and carers who supported your children with their Stone Age costume. They all looked fantastic!

Please see below at some of the term’s highlights and learning.

Year 3 represented our school at the St George’s Day Parade:


st george's mascot at st gerorge's day parade


st george's day parade


The children enjoyed the Eid celebrations and made paper lanterns:

The Stone Age Workshop taught the children so much about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages and was great fun! The children hunted mammoths, held artefacts and even tried to build Stonehenge:


In Mathematics, the children worked hard in the topic of capacity. Remember, it’s all about the intervals:


In Science, the children investigated different rocks and explored fossils. In one experiment, they tested a rock’s hardness, permeability and density:

In English, the children used drama to deepen their understanding of the text (King of the Sky) as well as assist their writing:

For our Coronation Friday, the children wore their finery:

In R.E., the children expressed the Holy Spirit in a creative way:

Well done everyone for a great term!  

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