Term 5 Review – Year 4

Term 5 Review – Year 4

Terrific Term 5!

The children in Year 4 have had a busy term learning about Invasion, swimming, weaving, money and time.

In topic, we have learnt about the various invasions of the UK with a focus on the Anglo-Saxons. The children have learnt how the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain and how the settling changed life in the country.

In Maths, the children finished a unit on decimal numbers and then moved onto money and time. Please help your child to practise money at home by allowing them to use coins and notes to pay at the till when you visit a shop. Frequently ask your child what the time is and how long it will be until a certain time.

In English, we read the book ‘Saving the Butterfly’ by Helen Cooper and finished the term by writing persuasive letters to fund-raise for the charity ‘Save the Children’.

The children thoroughly enjoyed visiting the Hindu temple and were very inquisitive asking lots of wonderful questions!

We hope the children have enjoyed their swimming lessons this term. We are pleased to see the progress they have made.

Thank you for your continued support with reading and homework, do please try to continue with these over the break. The children will be sitting their multiplication check in term 6 so, please practise their times tables on Mathsframe.co.uk.

Wishing you all a safe and restful half-term break.

The Year 4 Team

Mrs Kooner, Mrs Mudassar and Mrs Wanmer

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