Term 5 Review – Year 5

Term 5 Review – Year 5

We have come to the end of our Term 5 learning: we have studied the causes of World War I, we have considered what it might have been like to be a soldier in the trenches, and we have explored expressionism in art and used this in our battlefield paintings.

We were lucky enough to have a visiting soldier, who time-travelled all the way from 1914.

Virtual Reality allowed us to experience what trenches were really like, without getting our feet muddy at all!

We looked at battlefield artwork such as this well-known image by John Singer Sargent entitled ‘Gassed’.


We used our new knowledge of tints and shades, and how to use watercolour to create our own battlefield paintings.

This is Ekam’s:


The extra challenge was that no pencils were used, just paint.

What was your favourite part of the term’s work?

Join us next term when we boldly go where no one has gone before…

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