Term 5 Review – Year 6
This term in Year 6 we have had an amazing term, we’ve completed the SATS, each member of our cohort sailing through and showing great resilience.
We took a trip to the past, looking at the dangerous Industrial Revolution and the life of a child in that era.
We did a lot of dance breaks to help keep us all in good spirits. If you want to join in with one we took part in, here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thkw1sxr_bw
Our history this term has been looking into the Industrial Revolution and the lives of Victorian children in particular:
This is a picture of an apprentice child chimney (or chimley) sweep.
This poor lad would be sent into fireplaces (with no fire being lit) and would be left up to 3 hours in there to clean the chimney himself, he would need to be thorough or there’d be no gruel for himself to eat! Did he get paid? Of course not! He worked to eat, he had a roof over his head, what more could he ask for?!
Well he could have ended up in one of these instead:
This miserable assemblage of masonry is named a workhouse, if you want to see a reenactment of what it would have been like there, watch this video: The Charles Dickens Story
This term we have begun to revisit our knowledge of electricity, looking at how circuits function and why some circuits fail to work.
Can you remember why this circuit won’t work and how can we make it work? What could you add to the circuit, if you make your own make sure to send in pictures to the school!
We at Holy Trinity have been incredibly lucky to have been invited to the Trust wide story telling event and Year 6 were chosen to represent the school! Eight of our Year 6’s went along to St. George’s Primary School with Mr. Fagan and Miss. Milton. When there we told two traditional tales from India:
1. The farmer and the moneylender: A greedy moneylender takes advantage of a poor farmer but fortune switches and the farmer ends up the richer. The tale involved outwitting, wells and of course some karma.
2. The birds who worked together: A ferocious fowler catches the king of the Doves, in order to escape, the Doves worked in unison and beat their wings. Ending with the birds escaping.
Important dates:
Next term we will be going swimming on a Tuesday in Cascades leisure centre. Please make sure that your child brings appropriate clothing with them to take part.
Each student in Year 6 has been given some creative half-term homework as well as a script to look at for our end of school play.
Enjoy the wonderful weather!
Year 6 Team.
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