Year 3 – Welcome to Term 6!

Year 3 – Welcome to Term 6!

Welcome to Term 6.  Thank you for all the support that you have given us and your child (children) throughout the previous five terms. We are excited by this term’s learning opportunities which can be found on the Year 3 Class Page via the “CHILDREN” tab on the school home page.

A fun term of Learning:

Our Cornerstones’ topic this term is Mighty Metals. This is a Science and Design and Technology based unit of work. The children will explore the scientific world of forces and magnetism, metals and materials. They will investigate which force is at play as you slide down a slide or swing on a swing; why magnets repel and attract and how you make a penny look shiny and new. They will explore and investigate the concept of friction.

In RE, we will be focusing on the topic of Sikhism and the children will be learning about how Sikhs celebrate and worship.

In English, Year 3 will be exploring the text The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.



First published in 1968, this modern fairy tale has become a children’s classic. The dramatic opening and memorable language instantly engage the reader. The book tells the story of a mysterious iron giant whose destructive quest for food alarms the local farming community. The story is told through the eyes of a young boy, Hogarth, who forms a friendship with the Iron Man. In time the Iron Man turns from villain to hero as the world faces a bigger threat.

P.E. Day

Falcons and Swifts have their PE day on a Thursday, children are expected to wear a white round neck t-shirt, black shorts or joggers, black trainers or plimsolls. During the spring months of P.E. school cardigans and jumpers can be worn over the top of the t-shirt.

Year 3 Expectations

In Year 3, the children are expected to read every night on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. They then are required to read once between Friday and Sunday. The school is following the Accelerated Reader scheme. A comprehension task is given each Friday to the children to be completed by the following Friday.

Children are expected, alongside their weekly spellings every Friday, to learn the times tables shared with them by the class teacher. A times tables test will commence every Friday. Additional mathematical tasks are available on Freckle (a password-protected website).

All homework tasks are communicated via the red A4 homework book. This book must be brought in every Friday.

Upcoming Events

The half-term project to build an Iron Man is due in on Friday 9th June 2023. 



We are currently in consultation to visit the Gravesend Gurdwara which is linked to our Religious Education topics of Sikhism. Parents and carers will be notified when a date for the visit has been agreed.

Sports Day will currently be held on the morning of Thursday 29th June 2023. Children are encouraged to wear a coloured plain T-shirt which matches their house colour.

whole school photograph will be taken on Thursday 30th June 2023.

Transition Days (The days that your children will be with their new Year 4 Teacher) will be Monday 17th to Wednesday 19th July 2023.

Last Day of Term will be on Friday 21st July 2023 (1:30pm finish).

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