When the Rest of Year 6 Were Away, the Flamingos Played…

Year 6 pupils making pancakes

When the Rest of Year 6 Were Away, the Flamingos Played…

What, oh what were the rest of Year 6 up to whilst most of them were on their Residential?

Well, they had two action-packed days of activities and fun! Split between the Friday and the Monday, our class of Flamingos (the class voted for the name) had a lot to do and had lots of fun whilst doing it.

We began our Friday with a music concert from the company Rock Steady Music, in which we had some of our Flamingos playing in a band, here we have Varshan playing in a band as a keyboard player:




After our small concert, we had a lovely day becoming thespians with the Helen O’Grady Drama school. We started the day with looking at our expressions during a wonderful rendition of the ‘Puncture Person’ play. During the Puncture Person, our imaginary bus (seen behind) broke down, and we all had to act our hearts out.

But what about Monday the week afterward? Did we go back to normal lessons? Read on and find out our thrilling conclusion…

Our first activity: Well, it’s an old classic for those who remember the show. This fabulous T.V. show was the muse for our morning activity, in which the students broke into four teams. Each team was given a key ingredient that they had to incorporate into their mains, each group was also given a bunch of ingredients, no recipes, and told to make a meal in 30 minutes.


Here is some of the process:

Each group was marked on three categories for their dishes. They were marked on taste, technicality (difficulty to make) and aesthetics (looks), the winner of our first round got to pick their ingredients for the desserts first. The smells within the kitchen were fabulous, so many interesting and flavourful foods were given over to our judges’ panel. Now we move to the desserts round! Though I will add that most of our contestants had never made a dessert, a challenge was brewing for sure.

Our first group chose to get the pancake mix along with some strawberries and a tin of apricots. They elected to dip the strawberries in chocolate (great choice) and make the pancakes with a sauce.

What did we do to add to this fantastic day? Well, what more do people want to do than to roast marshmallows over an open fire (safely of course)!

After a small but important safety talk, we lit the fire and let it (under a trained professional) grow to a good size for cooking.

While we waited for the fire to get hot enough, we needed to cool down on this sweltering day, so we played a fun game of Duck, Duck, Goose…. WITH WATER! It was safe to say that by the end of our game that the children needed their spare clothes to dry off in, but we were cool!






We not only had marshmallows, we also got our hands on some halal/ vegetarian sausages to cook over the fire.





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