Year 3 – End of Year Blog

Year 3 – End of Year Blog

Year 3 has endeavoured to work hard in our last term and has continued to demonstrate a real love for learning.

Home Learning Projects:

The children made some superb Iron Men/Women. Thank you to all those who helped!

Rock Steady

The children enjoyed the Rock Steady Workshop in which we explored the instruments used in a rock band.


The children explored how different surfaces caused more/less friction.



During our Cornerstones topic we explored making spinners from different shapes.



During our Cornerstones topic, the children explored how magnetic ends attract and repel each other.


Wind Chimes

During our Cornerstones topic, the children made wind chimes using metal.


Sports Day

The children worked so hard to prepare for the running events of Sports Day. The children worked so hard to score points for their Houses on Sports Day.

Library Visit

The children enjoyed exploring the wonderful facilities of Gravesend Library. If not done so, please sign your child up to join the library and attempt the Summer Reading Challenge.

Gurdwara Visit

The children consolidated their Religious Education topic of Sikhism by visiting our local Gurdwara.

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