Year 4 – End of Year Blog

Year 4 – End of Year Blog

Term 6 has been a busy and exciting time for the children in Year 4. Our topic, ‘Blue Abyss’ had the children learning about the world’s oceans including locating the oceans, sculpting sea creatures and the effects of climate change. On top of this we had sports day, a ukulele performance and the National Multiplication Check!

In Maths, the children have studied shape, statistics and position and direction.

In English, we read the book ‘The Bluest of Blues’ by Fiona Robinson which is a biography based of the life of Anna Atkins, the first person to publish a book of photographs. We completed our term’s work by writing our own biographies of Anna’s life.

It was wonderful to see the children enjoying sports day despite the wet weather! The children all did their best and contributed to their house teams. Everyone showed good sportsmanship. Thank you to the parents and carers who came along to cheer on the children.

The multiplication check was a huge success across Year 4 and we are so incredibly proud of all the children for their hard work learning their times tables. Thank you for the continued support in helping your child at home.

The children put on another outstanding ukulele performance to finish a great year of music in Year 4. Everyone has worked very hard for the show, learning chords, melody lines and lyrics. We hope you all enjoyed it too!

We are not only at the end of another term but the end of the academic year as well. A huge well done to all the children for working so hard and achieving great things. It has been thoroughly enjoyable to teach all the children in Year 4 and as a team we wish each and every child a wonderful summer break and very successful Year 5.

The Year 4 Team

Mrs Kooner, Mrs Mudassar and Mrs Wanmer


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