Year 5 – End of Year Blog

Year 5 – End of Year Blog

End of Year blog:


And back to earth…


We have finished searching round the universe and we’ve been down some black holes…


We have sung songs about the planets and the sun: discovering that the sun is not simply made out of gas, but is made of plasma (the fourth state of matter, not gas, not liquid, not solid).


We visited the Observatory Science Centre at Herstmonceaux.


We tried controlling our own space rover.



We investigated science concepts in the discovery corridor.


What forces are being used here?

We all enjoyed the science themed play areas.

We had to get the balance just right!


Back in school we really enjoyed designing and making our rockets, then testing them on the playground to see how effective our design was. We measured how far we could launch our rockets and evaluated the aerodynamics of our design.


We investigated how craters are made and if the mass of an object a effects the size of the crater.


We are all looking forward to flying even higher next year as we become Doves or Golden Eagles.


Don’t forget the reading challenge we learnt about on our trip to the library!

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