Year 2 – Welcome to Term 1!

Year 2 – Welcome to Term 1!

Welcome to Year 2. We hope that your children have settled well into their new class and are enjoying their learning.

A fun term of learning:

Our Cornerstones’ topic this term is Muck, Mess and Mixtures. This is an Art and Science-based unit linked to ‘Uses of Materials’. Children will develop painting and printing techniques. They will conduct experiments to investigate materials including how they mix in water. They will also look at Charles Macintosh’s contribution to the world.



In English, Year 2 will be exploring the text Here Comes Frankie by Tim Hopgood. The unit will end with the children creating a picture book similar to Here Comes Frankie.


For information on the rest of Term 1’s curriculum please see the curriculum booklet and knowledge organisers found on the class page: Year 2 Class Page.

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