Year 2 Term 1: End of Term Blog

Year 2 Term 1: End of Term Blog

After a busy term, the children have settled well into their new classes and are enjoying their learning.


Our children have enjoyed the Cornerstones’ topic of Muck, Mess and Mixtures. They developed painting and printing techniques.



Our children have enjoyed conducting science experiments which included exploring melting, making the best soap and even making their own ice cream.


The children developed their number skills.


Physical Education

The children really improved their dodging and balancing skills. This included taking part in the end of term dodgeball competition.


He children explored the song Hands, Feet, Heart and learnt to play along the tuned instrument of the glockenspiels. They also composed their own tunes using the notes G, A and C.


The children really enjoyed their drama lessons which developed their speaking and listening.

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