Year 1 – Welcome to Term 2!

Year 1 – Welcome to Term 2!

Welcome back! The children in Year 1 have an exciting term ahead. They are back in routine and are already working hard. This is an important year at school for children’s reading so please help your child to read lots at home as we tell the children the more you read the more you learn!

This term, we will be exploring the topic of Splendid Skies. Imagine floating high above land and sea on a bed of clouds, silently sweeping by on a billowing breeze.

In science, we will become weather investigators to find out about the seasons and the weather. We will observe changes across the 2 seasons, autumn and winter, describe the weather associated with the seasons, and how day length varies.

Phonics is a very important area of learning in Year 1. Phonics supports reading so it is important that the teaching of phonics happens every day in Year 1. Children will learn to read phonetically, read sight words as well as using their sounds to spell words.

In Maths this term, we will learning various ways to add and subtract numbers within 10. We will continue to learn part whole model. We will also be introduced to 2-D shapes and 3-D shapes at the end of the term.

In English, our focus book for this term is ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’. Children will be learning how to use descriptive language to bring our writing to life.

Our big question in RE this term is ‘why does Christmas matter to Christians?’ We will be exploring the meaning of the word ‘incarnation’ and building on our previous knowledge about the nature of God.


Key Dates For Your Diary:

Parents’ Phonics Workshop – Tuesday 7th at 9am or 2.45pm

Reception & Year 1 Dental Screening – more information to follow.

School photos (Individual) – 20th November

Pantomime cast from Woodville Theatre visiting school – 24th November.

Christmas Jumper Day – 13th December

Christmas Performance- 15th December at 2pm.


Year 1 Expectations

In Year 1, the children are expected to read every night. All homework tasks are communicated via the orange A4 homework book. This book must be brought in every Monday.


Things that you could do at home:

  • Sing ‘Weather’ songs with your child like I hear thunder and It’s raining, it’s pouring…
  • Watch the weather forecast together.
  • Visit the library to look for stories with familiar settings and poetry based on the weather.
  • Collect rain for a week and measure how much came down!
  • Draw a chalk circle round a puddle and watch how long it takes to disappear. Where did it go?


Thank you for your support!

The Year 1 Team

Miss Wood, Mrs Kooner and Mrs Rowe

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