Year 2 – End of Term 2 Blog

Year 2 – End of Term 2 Blog

This Term has been another fun term of learning.



Our children have enjoyed exploring Plants and what they need to grow. We conducted an experiment on cress seeds and learned all about germination.



Our children have been learning about Significant People. We have learnt about activists, artists, explorers, scientists and monarchs.


Physical Education

The children really improved their dribbling, passing and receiving skills. We also became Explorers during our Dance unit.


The children really enjoyed their drama lessons which developed their speaking and listening.


Religious Education

The children explored the Nativity and why it was important to Christians. They created an art piece at the end of the unit:


Children in Need

The children explored how Children in Need links to our school vision.


Library Visits

Year 2 classes visited the library this term.


The Christmas Play: Are We Nearly There Yet?


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