Year 2: End of Term 3 Blog

Year 2: End of Term 3 Blog

Another fun term of learning!

A fun term of learning:


Our children have enjoyed exploring Human Survival. We have discussed how our body works during exercise, why we need certain foods and how to stay hygienic.



Our children have been learning about our world, discovering similarities and differences between England and Somalia. We have learnt about our continents and oceans as well as the equator and how that impacts our weather. Our trip involved exploring the local area to plot human features on a map. The children also conducted a traffic survey.


Physical Education

The children really improved their throwing and catching skills, working specifically on underarm throws. The children enjoyed creating a dance routine for “A Friend Like Me” from Aladdin in their Dance Synergy lessons.


Religious Education:

The children have explored ‘Gospel’ and the good news that Jesus brings.


During Art sessions, we have been looking closely at Ziraffa Giraffa and exploring different techniques to produce our Artwork.


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