Year 2: End of Term 5

Year 2: End of Term 5

Another fun term of learning!

A fun term of learning:


We have been investigating materials that can be squashed, stretched, bent and twisted. We conducted an experiment to find out which object/material stretched the furthest.

Physical Education:

We have been learning how and why we need to jump. We have had time using our new and improved jumps, including taking part in a ‘hop, step, jump’ competition.

Religious Education:

We have learnt about Judaism and what Jewish people believe in. Ask your child all about Shabbat!


Linking to our English book, we have designed and created the crocodile from ‘How to find gold’.


In maths we have been exploring time. We have used clocks to help us find 5 time in 5-minute intervals.


We have read the story of “How to find gold.” In English this term we have made our own treasure maps to find gold; created a fact file on crocodiles; wrote a diary entry as the character Anna; described sea monsters and created an acrostic poem for a poetry competition!


We have been looking at structure and stability. Our end goal was to create a chair for Baby Bear to sit on. We started by creating our ‘mock’ chair.

Once we had explored the features of a chair and what the chair needed to be able to do, we began creating our chairs.


We have been exploring school 100 years ago! We have compared our school to schools in the 1900s. We interviewed Mrs Murphy about her experience at school.


In Music we have been learning the friendship song. We have compared the song to different pieces of music and have then performed it.


In computing we have been looking at Gustav Holt’s music about planets. We have created different music on computers and used this to explore our emotions.


In PSHE we have been looking at relationships. We have discussed people that are important to us, who we trust and ways to keep ourselves safe.

Have a restful half term!

Miss Costen and Miss Newman.

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