Author - Hannah Webzell

Bishop Simon Visits Holy Trinity

On Wednesday, we welcomed Bishop Simon to school. Bishop Simon enjoys spending time in the Church Schools within the Diocese and is the Chair of the Diocesan Board of Education. During Bishop Simon's visit, he led Worship with our early years and KS1 children, talking about Jesus as the Light...

Holy Trinity Donates to Operation Shoebox

Holy Trinity School have done it again! They have generously filled 65 boxes for the very deserving charity The Samaritan's Purse Shoebox appeal.These boxes were delivered to Gravesend Methodist Church who will distribute the boxes around the world which will  make a huge difference to so many children. So far...

Year 2 – End of Term 2 Blog

This Term has been another fun term of learning. 


Our children have enjoyed exploring Plants and what they need to grow. We conducted an experiment on cress seeds and learned all about germination.  


Our children have been learning about Significant People. We have learnt about activists, artists, explorers, scientists and...

Welcome Back to Term 2 – Year 6

This term we start our new topic ‘A Child’s War’ during history lesson, and this links directly to our text: ‘The Missing’ by Michael Rosen. All our art lessons will contribute to our understanding of World War II. Pupils may be asking about their relatives and family history during this...

Year 2 Term 1: End of Term Blog

After a busy term, the children have settled well into their new classes and are enjoying their learning.


Our children have enjoyed the Cornerstones' topic of Muck, Mess and Mixtures. They developed painting and printing techniques.  


Our children have enjoyed conducting science experiments which included exploring...

Year 6 – End of Year Blog

We as a Year group want to thank you all for a fantastic year of learning, different experiences, and growth. Across the year we completed a lot of experiences from:Residential (or being a member of Flamingos class) Visiting the Boys Grammar School Going to the Wizard of Oz in...