Our open mornings for Admissions in September 2025 are now available. Call or email the office to book your visit.


Welcome Back to Term 2 – Year 2

Welcome to Term 2! We hope that your children are continuing to enjoy their learning.A fun term of learning:Our Cornerstones' topic this term is Movers and Shakers. This is a history-based unit. Children will learn about significant people who have had a major impact on the world. The children will...

Welcome Back to Term 2 – Year 6

This term we start our new topic ‘A Child’s War’ during history lesson, and this links directly to our text: ‘The Missing’ by Michael Rosen. All our art lessons will contribute to our understanding of World War II. Pupils may be asking about their relatives and family history during this...

Year 2 Term 1: End of Term Blog

After a busy term, the children have settled well into their new classes and are enjoying their learning.


Our children have enjoyed the Cornerstones' topic of Muck, Mess and Mixtures. They developed painting and printing techniques.  


Our children have enjoyed conducting science experiments which included exploring...

Year 3 – Welcome to Term 1!

Welcome to Year 3. We hope that your children have settled well into their new class and are enjoying their learningA fun term of learning:Our Cornerstones topics this term are: One Planet, Our World which is a geography based topic and Contrast and Compliment which is an art based topic....

Year 1 – Welcome to Term 1!

Welcome to Year 1.  Children have settled well into their new classes and are engaging in their learning whilst having fun.Paws, Claws and Whiskers:We have been sorting animals into carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores ‘om om om we eat everything!’We moved like lions and tigers then used a map to find...