Ladybirds Class
Class Teacher: Miss E Squires
Class Teaching Assistants: Ms F Miftaraj and Ms S O’Brien

Welcome to Ladybirds Class
In ladybirds, we love to learn through our play and are always using our senses to explore the world around us. Every day we enjoy re-telling stories with our friends, role playing our own experiences, jumping in muddy puddles, mark making, singing, dancing, building towers taller than us, counting, and getting very messy! We can’t wait to share our learning journey with you.
PE days:
In ladybirds’ class, we take part in activities to develop our fine and gross motor skills every day. We therefore, do not have a PE day.
Essential items to remember:
Please ensure that your child always has:
- Their name in all clothing items, this includes their shoes.
- A spare change of clothes
- A coat
- A pair of wellies for wet weather
Outdoor learning is vital to your child’s development and our outside area will be open for your child to explore in all weathers. Please ensure that they have the appropriate clothing they need for the forecast e.g waterproof coat, hat, scarf, gloves, sunhat, suncream.
Nursery email address:
To ensure that you can communicate with your child’s class teacher, we have created year-group email addresses. This email address is monitored daily Monday-Friday, with an aim to respond within 24 hours. When sending an email please include your child’s name in the subject line.
If you have any urgent information/communication please telephone or email the school office, as the administrative team can pass any urgent messages to the class teacher.
Our timetable can be downloaded below. Here, parents and pupils have the opportunity to view the class schedule to see the day-to-day routine including the range of curriculum that is covered. We have found that children with SEND have responded well to visually seeing the structure of the day ahead.
Terms/Topic Information
Our learning this year will be based on the topics below and will change accordingly each term. Parents will receive a Topic Web and ‘Did You Know’ at the start of each term informing them about what the children will be learning. This will also be available below to download.
More Infomation about the subjects can be found on our curriculum pages.
Term | Topic Name | Curriculum Booklet |
1 | Me and My Community | Term 1 Curriculum Booklet |
2 | Light and Dark | Term 2 Curriculum Booklet |
3 | Animal Kingdom | Term 3 Curriculum Booklet |
4 | Transport | Term 4 Curriculum Booklet |
5 | ||
6 |
Home Learning
In nursery we do not set any homework, however, below are some activities you can do with your child to support their learning and development.
- Read to your child: Allow your child to choose a picture book and explore the book together. Encourage them to predict what will happen next, discuss how the characters are feeling, repeat key phrases, introduce new language, and talk about what is happening in each picture. Re-tell the story with your child and provide them with objects/ toys to help them to develop their understanding of what they have read.
- Visit the library
- Play games with your child’s name: Cut up each letter of your child’s name and place it on a car/ train. Encourage your child to drive the letters so they are in the right order. Hide each letter in shaving foam, paint, and coloured rice. Once your child has found each letter, they can have a go at putting them in the right order to make their name.
- Go on a shape walk in your local area.
- Talk to your child: Asking who, what, where, when and why questions will encourage their understanding of speech and language.
- Park visits: This will encourage your child’s development of their gross motor skills.
- Playdates: Please organise times for your children to meet up with one other outside of school. This will encourage the development of your child’s social skills.
Useful Parent Resources
Communication and language:
Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSED):