Internet Safety and Social Media

Internet Safety

At Holy Trinity we take the issue of online safety very seriously for our students, staff and parents.

We acknowledge that the Internet is an amazing tool however there are dangers, and it is our responsibility, along with parents and other professionals to ensure that we educate young people about using the Internet safely.

Being online is an integral part of children and young people’s lives. Social media, online games, websites and apps can be accessed through mobile phones, computers, laptops and tablets – all of which form a part of children and young people’s online world.

Throughout school, we aim to teach children:

About the impact of cyber-bullying and what to do if they have been affected.
To be vigilant when communicating online recognising that people may not always be who they say they are and to be sensible about what they share.
To tell an adult they trust if something is upsetting them.
To question the reliability of information given through a web based source.
To search responsibly for information while using internet browsers.


Online Safety Resources

Do you ever check whether the internet site your child goes on is both appropriate and safe for them?

Do you check to see what age restrictions apply?

CEOP Education
NSPCC: Keeping Children Safe Online
National Online Safety: What Parents Need to Know about Screen Addiction
Children’s Online Safety Test


  • Key Advice for Parents/Carers on how to deal with Cyberbullying:
  • Your child is just as likely to be a bully as to be a target. Be alert to your child being upset after using the internet/phones – they may be secretive, change relationships with friends
  • Talk to your child and understand how they are using the internet and their phone
  • Use safety tools and parental controls – if you’re not sure how, contact your service provider. Please note tools are not always 100% effective
  • Remind your child not to retaliate
  • Work with the school to resolve the issue if other pupils are involved
  • Keep any evidence of Cyberbullying – emails, Online Conversations, texts, screen prints of sites/chat messages – try and include time/date etc
  • Report the Cyberbullying:
    • Contact the service provider to report the user and remove content
    • Contact the school so they could take action if it involves another pupil
    • If the cyberbullying is serious and a potential criminal offence has been committed then consider contacting the police.
Safer Internet Day Parent Letter
Age Appropriate Gaming