
Holy Trinity Church of England Nursery and Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Our Safeguarding Team

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mr A Jones,

Other Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead trained staff:

  • Mr M Dockrell (Deputy Headteacher)
  • Miss J Coulam (Assistant Headteacher – Curriculum & EYFS Lead)
  • Miss C Rootsey (SENDCo)
  • Mrs S Sooknanan (Family Support Worker)
  • Mrs L Watts (Deputy SENDCo)

Holy Trinity is committed to recruiting with care and safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Holy Trinity recognises our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children.  Our ethos supports pupils in feeling safe, secure and respected, and they are actively encouraged and supported to speak openly about all matters.  All staff actively listen and are trained in providing non-judgemental and restorative approaches.

Safeguarding Principles

  • Safeguarding and promoting a safe and secure environment is everyone’s responsibility.
  • All pupils irrespective of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity, have equal rights to protection.
  • Adherence to the school’s code of conduct and safeguarding policies and procedures is non-negotiable.
  • All concerns are reported and recorded.  The mantra “if in doubt, fill it out”, ensures all staff feel confident in reporting all matters of concern.

The Prevent Strategy

From July 2015 all schools have a duty to safeguard children from radicalisation and extremism. We apply the same rigour and diligence in protecting our pupils from extremist and violent views as we do from other dangers.

The Single Point of Contact for Holy Trinity is Mrs P Gough (Head Teacher).  

Please contact her through the school’s office, should you have any concerns both in and outside of school in relation to extremist activity

Prevent in Practice

Our broad and rich curriculum naturally supports pupils in being positive and happy members of society and thus supports the Prevent Strategy.

Some of our daily curriculum practices include:

  • Exploring and appreciating other cultures and religions
  • Challenging prejudices and racist behaviours and attitudes
  • Developing critical thinking skills and a strong, positive sense of self
  • Promoting spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning of pupils
  • Restricting access to extremist and violent sites by active Internet filtering.
  • Meticulously vetting all visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Schools have been required to promote Fundamental British values since 2014, and this will continue to be part of our response to the Prevent strategy.

British values include:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty and mutual respect
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

The Prevent strategy is not just about discussing extremism itself, which may not be appropriate for younger children. It is also about teaching children values such as tolerance and mutual respect.

The school will make sure any discussions are suitable for the age and maturity of the children involved.

Extremism can take many forms, including political, religious and misogynistic extremism. Some of these may be a bigger threat in our area than others.

We will give children the skills to protect them from any extremist views they may encounter, now or later in their lives.

Further Information

If you have any concerns please ring the school office and a Designated Safeguarding Lead will be happy to speak to you.

To visit our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, please view our policies page here.

Please visit our page for other helpful and useful resources.

If you would like further information, please read our Parent Pamphlet for The Prevent Strategy or the Statutory Guidance for Preventing Duty Guidance here.