Year 2 – Welcome to Term 6!
Welcome back!Another fun filled term ahead!We would like to give a huge well done to Year 2 for completing their SATs - we are very proud of all of our children!
Welcome back!Another fun filled term ahead!We would like to give a huge well done to Year 2 for completing their SATs - we are very proud of all of our children!
Welcome back!We have a very important term ahead of us in Year 2 but also one that will be filled with excitement. We have lots to look forward too, including:- St George's Day- Our learning on Towers, Tunnels and Turrets- Answering the question 'where do worms like to live?' through...
Welcome back!We are very excited to be back, the children are already showing an eagerness to learn. Last term, we create Marble Art, learnt about Animal Movement, and learnt a variety of new songs.